导演:Jens Møller,Toby Genkel
演员:Ben Young,Lily Held,Susan Tackenberg,Tony Clark,Geraldine Blecker,汤姆·扎纳
更新时间:2023-11-23 12:21
《欢迎来到臭臭镇》该片自上映后,口碑爆棚,能成为年度最佳欧美动漫。《欢迎来到臭臭镇》往往可以变成在今年的动漫中用户评价有名的动漫,直接原因是《欢迎来到臭臭镇》整部著作自身足够好,不论是艺人Ben Young,Lily Held,Susan Tackenberg,Tony Clark,Geraldine Blecker,汤姆·扎纳的呈现、Jens Møller,Toby Genkel拍摄技巧,或是动漫情节和现实感,全是非常出众的,取得好口碑:5.0分其实也很正常。《欢迎来到臭臭镇》的艺人Ben Young,Lily Held,Susan Tackenberg,Tony Clark,Geraldine Blecker,汤姆·扎纳尽管说不是非常有名,但是Ben Young,Lily Held,Susan Tackenberg,Tony Clark,Geraldine Blecker,汤姆·扎纳的表演很好,可以把观众们带到到小故事中来,让粉丝有一种窒息的感觉,相比这些帅哥的表演Ben Young,Lily Held,Susan Tackenberg,Tony Clark,Geraldine Blecker,汤姆·扎纳的表演真是能够称之为高手,因此大家喜欢这部欧美动漫。
In the oggliest adventure of all time, the Oggly family arrives at the municipal rubbish dump of Smelliville. The Ogglies are looking for a new home, but they never feel really welcome anywhere. They stink and are for most humans just a tad too oggly. When Firebottom, the family dragon, crash-lands on the run-down rubbish tip of the small town of Smelliville, the Ogglies at once feel at home. And it's here they want to stay.
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