导演:Jamie E. Lochhead
演员:Jay Sander
更新时间:2023-11-23 13:08
《爱因斯坦的内心世界》该片自上映后,口碑爆棚,能成为年度最佳纪录片。《爱因斯坦的内心世界》往往可以变成在今年的电影中用户评价有名的电影,直接原因是《爱因斯坦的内心世界》整部著作自身足够好,不论是艺人Jay Sander的呈现、Jamie E. Lochhead拍摄技巧,或是电影情节和现实感,全是非常出众的,取得好口碑:7.0分其实也很正常。《爱因斯坦的内心世界》的艺人Jay Sander尽管说不是非常有名,但是Jay Sander的表演很好,可以把观众们带到到小故事中来,让粉丝有一种窒息的感觉,相比这些帅哥的表演Jay Sander的表演真是能够称之为高手,因此大家喜欢这部纪录片。
On November 25th, 1915, Einstein published his greatest work: general relativity. The theory transformed our understanding of nature's laws and the entire history of the cosmos, reaching back to the origin of time itself. Now, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Einstein's achievement, NOVA tells the inside story of Einstein's masterpiece. The story begins with the intuitive thought experiments that set Einstein off on his quest and traces the revolution in cosmology that is still playing out in today's labs and observatories. Discover the simple but powerful ideas at the heart of relativity, illuminating the theory-and Einstein's brilliance-as never before. From the first spark of an idea to the discovery of the expanding universe, the Big Bang, black holes, and dark energy, NOVA uncovers the inspired insights and brilliant breakthroughs of "the perfect theory."
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